Thursday, April 8, 2010

Happy Birthday Mom!

Today's my mom's 80th birthday. Doesn't she look good?!!! We went to the Claim Jumper, had some lunch, then back home to open gifts and have cake of course! My mom is the best! Last week my brother drove in from Phoenix to celebrate her birthday. Happy Birthday Mom! We love you!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Officially discharged!

If you just looked at the title, you'd think I was getting out of a mental institution. But, luckily that's not the case. This morning I went to my doctor's appointment for my final update. They took some x-rays and the doctor says my wrist bone is all healed and I have to continue to work on my finger cause it's not bending quite all the way yet. I can go back to lifting weights and even swim, just to gauge the activity with my pain tolerance. Thank you Dr. Liu and staff for all your help during the last 5 months. I'm so happy today!

Friday, March 19, 2010

March Birthday Girls!

Okay so this is a first for me......blogging twice in one day! Didn't post anything for 5 months and now I have two in one day! Well, in the post I just did about being out of rehab, I said that today was a good day for many reasons. Here's one of the other reasons why.

We celebrated March birthdays for Jackie, Colleen Myler, and Pat Sanders. (Well, I think this was Jackie's third or fourth time but when you are spoiled, so it goes. Just a joke Jackie in case you didn't take it that way.) We had Mexican food at a restaurant I can't spell the name to. And the ladies got some nice gifts. When they started singing happy birthday and putting on the sombreros on Pat and Colleen, you had to be there to see this. Luckily, I had my camera (imagine that) and took some pictures to share. As the guys were singing, I suddenly heard a noise where one guy slammed something on the table. I had no idea it was shots of vodka they had for Pat and Colleen. The pictures are priceless! So enjoy the pictures. It's all about good times with friends! Happy birthday ladies - Jackie, Colleen, and Pat!

Out of Rehab!

So the last time I posted on my blog was October 30, 2009. Two days later, I suffered an injury while horseback riding breaking my wrist, jamming up my finger, and tearing ligaments on my shoulder. I did not know at the time how bad it was, but it was, and today is a good day for many reasons. First I have to let you know I never broke a bone in my body before. This was all new to me. I have a permanent plate in my wrist and a bump on my shoulder forever. I learned alot about myself, my friends, my body, and life itself.

After this whole experience, this I know for sure: (1) The human body is a remarkable thing. How it is designed, functions, and recovers is unbelieveable. (2) Take care of your body. It's the only one you have. Exercise, eat healthy, and make sure you get the essential vitamins, minerals, etc. it needs. It's okay to splurge now and then, but take care of your body cause it will take care of you. (3) You are stronger than you think you are. Your mind and attitude has tremendous effects on how you get through tough times. Stay positive, work hard, and be patient. (4) You can't live without friends. They are your life line at times and will be there for you without expecting anything in return. Friends are the best! (5) Live your life now. Don't put off what you can do today. What are you waiting for?

Now that I've got that off my chest, thanks for listening, thanks to my friends, my mom, and my dog, Bisquit. And I couldn't end this without saying thanks to my hand therapist, Jesse, and my shoulder therapist, John. Jesse gave me the t-shirt today, my last day of therapy, pictured above. I still have lots of work to do but today I am officially "out of rehab!"