Thursday, January 1, 2009

Welcome 2009!

It's the new year! I'm wishing everyone a healthy and happy new year!

I am starting to read a book that gives me practical and inspiring ways to improve my life one week at a time ("Life Makeovers" by Cheryl Richardson). For week one, instead of starting with new year's resolutions, I am going to start with reflecting back over the last year. Many people begin thinking about the changes they would like to make in the new year. Or maybe they have a sense that something needs to change but are not quite sure what it might be.

I am going to begin by acknowledging what I've accomplished and who I've become over the last year. Join me in setting aside some time to reflect on all you've done right over the last year. Here's some things to consider:
  • What qualities of character have you strengthened?
  • Have you shared an act of kindness or supported others in some way?
  • What special memories have you created with those you love?
  • What have you achieved or accomplished?

Start with listing the 25 things you are most proud of accomplishing over the last 12 months. Keep it easy. The list can be anything from goals you have achieved, how you've grown as a person, or the positive changes you have made in your life. Find some time this week and let's get started.......

I love quotes. Here's one to think about at this new year: "Love yourself first and everything else falls into line." -Lucille Ball


  1. Hey that is pretty great stuff there! Words to live by. I would reflect on what I did last year but dang I can hardly remember what I did last week!!
    I am just going to keep it simple this year, I do not want to overdue things and I don't want to over analize things, just want to relax and enjoy 2009.

  2. Hey Ronna, I love that you are blogging now..... you are one of US
